Tuesday, February 11, 2014

No Detox Diet at Dunya

I know what this looks like... It looks bad. Real bad...

But it was so, SO good, I can't even regret it! I'm totally lame and I caved on my Detox Diet last night... It was a moment of weakness, but most definitely NOT unwarranted. Monday was a long, long day at work, (as Mondays usually are) and by the time five o'clock rolled around, I realized I hadn't eaten anything since the banana I had for breakfast... at 9! This seems to be becoming a problem on these pesky Mondays...

Anyway, I burst out the door at 5, panting and famished, and began the uphill trek home. About ten minutes into the steepest hill, I resolved to break the diet. It had been a stressful day, but it had culminated in a major deal I was able to pull through with a new client. So I had cause for celebration! And really, who wants to celebrate with quinoa and green tea? That's a sad life, my friends. So right then and there, my walk home turned into my walk to Dunya - my FAVORITE little neighborhood Mediterranean cafe. 

It's super cute and rustic inside...

Wine barrels, because it's technically a wine bar...!

The Bar...

Cute open kitchen...

Some yummy Greek white wine...

Sheba, lovely as ever...

And because I like to use this blog as a platform to embarrass her a wee bit :)

Who do you think she's snapchattin'?!

In my experience, Gingers are happiest when behaving a little naughty...

Freshly baked warm pita and the YUMMIEST homemade creamy hummus...!!

Cleared my plate like it ain't no thang...

And look who was there to greet us outside! I mean, is this not the most adorable thing you've ever seen?! I love when pups sit on their buns like that... hehe

So I broke my diet, but I'm much better for it. Everything in moderation, right? Skinny jeans are just not worth killing yourself for... Back to green tea and quinoa today! xo

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