Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Some Thoughts on the Big V

V-DAY, that is :) 
...What's with all the hype?

I'm all for dedicating one day a year to express your love, but is it just me, or are people taking it a little too far? When did it become a day infused with so many expectations? 

I've always used past Valentine's Days as an excuse to eat that cute little pink cookie/ heart shaped brownie and to wear just that much more pink than other days... I send sweet little love texts (read: kissy-face selfies) to my closest friends and fam, maybe bake some cupcakes and that's about it.

But get this... One of my girlfriends has been dating a new guy for two months and she has a bet with my roommate on whether or not they will hang out this Friday. Like, an ACTUAL bet. There's a six pack of beer to be won... Is that just so crazy?? That there is a chance they will not hang out this Friday JUST because it's Valentine's Day?? But the day before and after are toootally safe...!? She's worried that he will opt not to hang out solely for the purpose of avoiding "sending a message". Hmmm... 

It seems to me that if you have been dating someone for two months and you can't bring yourself to see them on Valentine's Day because you're scared of "sending a message", then you need to seriously evaluate your grasp on life and things that matter... #ItsNotThatBigADeal

Are guys really that worried that hanging out on VDay sends the message that they are shopping for a ring? Are girls really hoping that's what it means?? I've been known to have a slight problem of being overly casual about these types of things, so maybe that's why I'm seriously missing the boat. But it just seems that all parties involved would be a little better off if they didn't take it so seriously... It's just a fun little day to indulge in sweets or sappiness (or both), not a day full of convoluted messages. But maybe I need to be clued in...

Rather than tiptoeing around the whole V-day ordeal, I think she should play it off super cute and casually with this card :)


PS - If you don't know what movie that pic is from, WHO are you and WHAT are you doing?!

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