Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lazy Sunday, Lucky Girl

Some days are really hard. Cardio Barre kicks your butt but your skinny jeans are still too tight, work is so stressful that you've started jumping around corners and ducking under desks to avoid your boss, etc. And then some days, your boyfriend wakes you up at 10 and makes you a gourmet breakfast, not allowing you to lift a single finger.

Sunday morning, Ian got it in his head to do just that. He hopped over to Whole Foods and gathered supplies before heading over to my place, where my roommate let him in so that I could sleep just that much longer :) Being the considerate boyfriend that he is, he decided to make me an egg white omelette with fresh veggies and a side of fruit, so I could maintain my resolution to be healthy....

In tow, he had some onions...


Arugula! Possibly my favorite green...

Feta- because I can't go without cheese and it's relatively healthy...

And avo!

Not shown is the green juice he got me which was divine. Whole Foods brand cold pressed juice which was so good and so healthy! Perfection.

Here he is separating the egg whites...

And whisking them up!

Aren't I lucky, or what?!

He also got some strawbs, raspberries, blackberries and piña...

Which made for a perfect little fruit salad...

Here's Ian's hunk of an omelette...
(A little pico de gallo action on top)

I, on the other hand, got too excited and momentarily forgot my blogging duties... So this was all that could be captured of my omelette...

But at least you know I liked it!

Playing on that little Beats Pill Speaker was Paul Simon, because what else would I want to listen to immediately after waking up (or ever)??

Amongst a stressful and not fun couple of days, it was a sweet reminder to be thankful of the things that ARE going well. Unfortunately it's all too easy to get caught up in the bad, but what would life be without a little balance?? xo

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