Monday, April 14, 2014


Saturdays in the city! Don't you just love them?!

The guys had some bro time and went to the Giants game together, we lost 1-0! What kind of lame scoring game is that?! Alanna and I grabbed dinner on our own and then met up with them afterwards...

Alanna and Karl just tearing up that sidewalk...

Taylor and Ian's bromance has blossomed into something quite serious...

The first stop on our little day pub crawl of sorts was Redford... or as Sheeb will tell you, "Redfuhd"...

I LOVE this bar! Located in the Trendy Tendy, it's super cute and has "foodie" food and drinks...

Them boyz...

Sheeb looked a little lonely in that booth all by herself...

So Karl jumped in to save the day...!

Deciding on snacks and drinks...

Here's me making good on my promise that I'd post a pic of Ian and I, regardless of the funny faces he tries to make... :)

A little badass selfie action...

A martini for Sheeb and a citrusy vodka number for moi...

Alanna's martini had fancy bleu-cheese stuffed olives!

Cheers to Saturday, baby!

Guess who's??

Taylor trying to spit game via text and Ian overseeing his tipsy attempts...

Check out Karl working the camera! Giving the camera the ultimate Blue Steel, I love it!

There was a lot of high-fiving going on... Saturdays are happy days!

A few rounds of drinks and mac'n cheese later, we were deciding on our next move...

And also taking some silly pics... Karl didn't quite get the memo that you were supposed to just peek your little eyeballs over the sign...

Second attempt was much better!

Taylor and I nailed it on our first try like true pros...

Ian is clearly having a moment here...

So we made him take our roomie pic :)

SO much love for those two crazy kids!!

Who can get an uber first?!

Facing the wrong way if you're trying to catch a cab, Ian... #RookieMistake!

Hopped in a big, swanky black car and zoomed over to Polk Street!

More high-fiving!

Bros being bros?

Next stop was Cabin... a cozy little bar on Polk, where they have comfy booths and even have the Netflix fireplace on for ambiance!

Another roomie pic...

...but then Karl got jeals and wanted in on the action ;)

The drinks kept coming, so unfortunately the pics ended there EXCEPT for this jem of a #BossBitch pic... I think it's something about the glasses?? I swear I was having a good time!! :)

My favorite city with my favorite peeps - a perfect Saturday in my book!


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