Monday, December 16, 2013

Henna and the Heebie-Jeebies

People who know me well are pretty familiar with my "obsessions".
I am very easily inclined to fixate and obsess over small things that bring me an almost unreasonable amount of joy. One of my more serious and longstanding obsessions is skincare. I have now become notorious to my nearest and dearest for the varied amount of potions I apply to my face and body on the daily. After some thought, I have determined that my highly active skincare regime is a result of two things: My Mama and the paleness that comes with being a redhead. So basically I have my mom to thank for all of it :) For as long as I can remember, she would switch out my drugstore-purchased lotion for a big ole' bottle of Dermalogica and the term "essential oils" entered my vocabulary around the end of middle school. 

So, because I put such an effort into keeping my skin glowing and blemish-free, I have developed quite the aversion to tattoos... Sometimes I can appreciate the more artistic style of ink on other people, but the thought of someone marking my own skin with something so permanent and unnatural gives me a major case of the heebie-jeebies! 

Enter, my first henna... My second holiday party of the season was for the World Affairs Council of San Francisco, which I just recently joined (and love!). The Christmas party had an International theme with lots of multicultural food and decor and of course, what's a Christmas party without spiked cider?! Upon 5 minutes of entering the party, my girlfriend RS hustled me over to a small table where a woman was doing henna, sat me down and wouldn't take no for an answer. I hesitated briefly, but the henna artist, Sabreena, looked so nice and was clearly excited, so I threw caution to the wind, YOLO-style, and asked her for a small design on the inside of my left wrist...

She whipped out the design so quickly and skillfully, I couldn't believe it! Apparently, henna is a plant based ink so it smells amazing, like something you would smell in a super fancy spa. After she finished, she asked if I would like to add some glitter... UMMM YES! I am all over glitter right now. I love the design so much, it is so simple, yet intricate. And I love that the brown color doesn't have too stark a contrast with my light skin. I guess I forgot to take a picture of all the glitter (the spiked cider might be to blame...), but here you can see the finished design with a little bit of the ink/glitter remaining the next day.

Thank you, Sabreena! I love, love love it!!! Check out Sabreena's website here. Below is one of her designs that I found so beautiful and elegant. xo

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