Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Brunch, Napa, Wedding Toast

A few months ago, a coworker wanted to set up my bestie with one of her guy friends. She insisted he was really nice and super cute, but there was one potential problem... he didn't drink. Ever. Now - I'm no big drinker, but I am Latin, and simply put, it's a part of life. I looked at my girlfriend and gave her a flat NO. She was still considering it and asked me why not. Three reasons, girlfriend: Brunch. Napa. Wedding Toast. What's Brunch without a mimosa or two? What's Napa without wine? ...Or would it be no Napa at all?? The horror! And what the heck is a wedding toast without champagne?! She quickly got my point and agreed the date would not be a good idea.

As we know, there are so many reasons I love San Francisco; not the least of which is its proximity to Napa. A quick 45 minute drive transforms the characteristic grey weather of the city into sunny skies, where all the people are eager to put a glass of wine in your hand. Yes. Please. Since my boyfriend's dad and his girlfriend were visiting from SoCal, we thought it would be fun to do a little day trip. At this point, it should be no surprise that we decided to start the day at Domaine Carneros, a winery known for its French chateau-style architecture and sparkling wine!

We got the yummiest bottle of Blanc de Noir and shared it between the four of us...

We decided to do a tour next and hit up Del Dotto Vineyards. Del Dotto is a bit of a higher end vineyard and they're big on exclusivity... They don't distribute any wine, meaning the only place you can buy it is at their vineyards or at a select 40 restaurants. Their barrels are stored in caves - the second oldest caves in Napa Valley! The tour takes you through the wine caves and the tastings are straight out of the barrels! 


We were early for our reservation so they kindly poured us the BEST Chardonnay I've ever had in my life. Ian and I quickly looked up the price and were devastated to learn it was $125...!! Sigh. One day?

 Here's Ian stoked on the Chard before learning the price...

 I wasn't immediately carded (a first) and upon seeing this sign became VERY offended ;)

Into the caves we go! There's something so rustic and old-worldly about these caves, I just love it!

Barrel tasting with this funny contraption...

 Remember what I said about exclusivity?

I find it truly impossible to not have an amazing time in Napa!

 Making our way back to the city...

That view! San Francisco, I love you! And Napa, you're not too bad either. xo

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