Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Our First Gig

Who else completely forgot about Mardi Gras?! 

One delirious happy hour after work last week, Alanna and I started a band. Here's how it came about...

We were approached by an unfavorable coworker to do a favor on Tuesday night (last night). It was a small favor but it would have meant we had to stay at work literally all day long, I'm talking like 12 hours... This was just not going to fly. We had to think fast... i.e. make up an excuse (I know, I know, not the nicest thing to do, but it was dire circumstances and lent hadn't even started yet, ok?). Alanna brilliantly came up with the idea that our excuse needed to be something we had purchased tickets for, so we couldn't get out of it. So next in our maniacal little plan was what did we have tickets to? Alanna was really gunning for the SF Ballet... but I thought we needed to go smaller, something more vague... She said, "OK, so like an Indie band or something. What's the name?" Out of who knows where, I replied, "I don't know, like Joe Schmoe and the Hunky Dories". She absolutely loved it and we couldn't stop laughing so it somehow just stuck. Tuesday night, we officially had plans to see Joe Schmoe and the Hunky Dories.

And what better way to kick off our first gig than Taco Tuesday?!

Introducing the group...

I've always been pretty positive that I was an extremely successful opera singer in a past life (before I even know Sharleen from the Bachelor, I swear). And since I made up the band name, I'm Joe Schmoe, lead singer and tequila enthusiast.

Cheers to that!

Next up, Alanna -  gorg Hunky Dory and bass player. She also lends her angelic voice to vocals every now and again, "when the feeling is right".

...know what I mean?

Here she is with Steve, another Hunky Dory and our quirky drummer. The two have been known to canoodle once or twice. He requested that we kindly not ask how he earned those beads. Steve has mysterious tendencies.

Due to unforeseen, unexpected and totally unnerving (on my part) circumstances, the final Hunky Dory and lead guitarist, Ian, had to miss the gig. When reached for comment, "I am devastated to have missed our first show, but thankful that my bandmates are so supportive. When I was first approached to be a Hunky Dory, I had this gut feeling that I was signing up to be a part of something big. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us." - Ian, lead guitarist Hunky Dory

Being in a band can work up quite the appetite... all the singing and playing, high energy on stage, catering to all our rowdy fans (yes, at our first gig!)... you get the idea. So, nachos were ordered...

 As were quesadillas...

And street style grilled fish and chicken tacos(!!)...

Carolina, alias Joe Schmoe, digging into some Mexican food, Tuesday night at swanky club, Rouge in San Francisco... 

On working with her best friend, Alanna, bassist Hunky Dory: "It's great. I really can't imagine it any other way. People always ask how we don't get sick of each other but it's like... [Alanna is] my best friend... if I got sick of her, wouldn't we not be best friends? I love that while I'm onstage singing, I can look to my right and see her rocking out right along with me." - Carolina

On deciding to enter the music industry: "It just felt right. I thought to myself, I love music and I love these people. And the talent was all right there laid out for us, so I knew it would be a success. You know, I am a strong believer in fighting for what you love. This is what I love and I'm going to fight for it." - Alanna

On the success of Joe Schmoe and the Hunky Dories' first gig: "It's amazing! We are all so happy and excited. It really is the best feeling to know that something that we love doing is enjoyable for so many other people as well." - Carolina

On how to describe her style: I guess it's 'edgy' with a hint of glam. I love pairing big glamorous curls with skinny jeans, wedge trainers and a killer leather jacket." - Alanna

On her drink of choice: "Tequila. Hands down. I can't help it! [laughs] The Latin in me just bubbles up and can't be quieted!" - Carolina

Carolina, alias Joe Schmoe, excitedly waving to one of the group's fans...

Like true rockstars, we dragged ourselves home in the wee hours of the night...

A perfect end to a perfect start! ;)


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