Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sweet Sausalito

This poor little blog has been neglected for far too long! What can I say, life sometimes gets in the way...

Anyway, I'm coming back strong with my most amazing surprise trip to Sausalito! Ian is simply too perfect for words when it comes to surprising me and it was no different when it came to celebrating being together for a whole year...! 

I picked him up from the office around 2 on a Friday and he hopped right in the driver's seat... I had no idea where we were headed! We started wandering North through the city...

And then over the Golden Gate...!

We pulled off the highway almost immediately and started making our way along the water right through the cute little town of Sausalito... what is it about seeing all those sailboats that just screams, Vacation! ?

We passed by the Casa Madrona Hotel, where I commented how perfectly cute it was just sitting there on the water staring at all the boats. Then Ian promptly U-turned, pulled up and shouted, "We're here!!"

I almost died.

Ian checked in while I attempted to stop screaming and started taking pictures of everything in sight...

Making our way to the room...

One more peek of those perfect little boats...

And in we went!

Our room was perched high on the hill with an amazing view of the marina... I couldn't believe it! I could sit in bed and stare at those boats literally all day long!!

Time to bust out the good stuff...

And take a picture of it!

And take a picture of the picture of it!

Ian had been saving this guy for a special occasion. It was one of the wines he totally remembers buying after this trip ;)

We set up a little spread and sat in front of the open window, just munching and chatting and giggling.

Cheers, dahhling!

And when the sun was a little lower in the sky, we headed out on the town...

I will never get enough of this view!

We passed by many cute little shops...

And a secret garden?

And passed this jolly old bunch rockin out...

And cruised over to Wellington's Wine Bar for a pre-dinner drink and killer view...

This isn't the view I was talking about but I am lucky or am I lucky?! ;)

Wine on wine...


It was one of those bars with a lot of knickknacks and big leather chairs...

See what I mean about knickknacks?

I made him take this pic, hehe

A testament to him putting up with my demanding little self for a year!

For dinner, it only made sense that we would have sushi, being so close to the water and all...

So after some wine and sunsets, we made our way over to Sushi Ran...

More wine!

Rolls on rolls!

Ice cream for me and a chocolate bomb for him...

Back at the hotel, the boats disappeared and were replaced with twinkling little lights...

I got into a big fluffy robe and called it a (fabulous) night!


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