Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Happiest Hour

Well I'm back! At least for a little bit... If you didn't already catch on, I've been posting a little more regularly over on The Ging Twins with my lovely and exceptionally talented little sis :) But December has been good to me so far and I wanted to make sure and capture it all here on my first online home! xo

My friends and I have determined that your 20s are just destined to be a bumpy ride full of really high highs (late nights in the city with friends that you know you'll never forget) and balanced out with some devastating lows (heartbreaks you feel like you'll never recover from... spoiler alert: you will!). One thing that has remained a constant as I've gotten older though, is that with every passing day, my mom becomes less my mom and more my best friend. Gone are the days where we fight over my curfew and here are the days where she and 9 of her friends kill 12 bottles of wine in my apartment and call it happy hour...